Saturday 22 June 2013

Restaurant Review: Bubbletealicious Sm North

Wazzup Guys! Krazy Kat is missing (duhn duhn duhn).This is her twin sis Bianca a.k.a. Bootylicious Bianca (ehem ehem pagbigyan)...My minions kidnapped her, so therefore I am taking over this blog ...
Just kidding (but that sounded cool though, I've always wanted to experience how it feels like being a villain). Anyway, I was tasked to write the first restaurant review for this blog, and hopefully I don't disappoint. :)

Let's make this entry short (cause I'm hungry toinks). Last night me and Kaka (kat peace haha!) ate at Bubbletea Sm North The Block. This has been are usual hangout and fave resto! Its yummy, a little healthy yet sinful plus its pretty affordable(said pretty, it's still expensive for the thrifty little fat girl in me). Instead of ordering the usual Nippon Ebi. Here is what we ordered:


It was yummy and fresh and as you can see they went all out for the mayo ( huhu the calories :{ ).I highly recommend this for all the newbies who are not yet used to raw tuna/salmon salad. Although flavorful (sweetness of the mango contrasts the tangyiness of the Japanese mayo{naks food blogger ang peg?}) it's kinda heavy for a salad ..

 Next we had:


As I cannot eat pork ( damn you uric acid! {waving fist at the air looking like a damn fool} )I only ate "some" of it... It was good; but I had better... I like the flavor of the mushrooms but it overwhelmed the tofu itself. Speaking of the tofu, you can hardly taste the soy goodness because they used too much batter to cover it.


This is my first time to try this from Hubba Bubba ( yes, I hereby name Bubbletealicious to be my new hubby ) The salmon was drizzled with wasabi mayo which was supposed to be spicy (Didn't taste the kick. I wanted it more spicy but I eat sili, so to some of you this will be hot { ariiibbaaa ariiibaaa!!! } ) It was sooooo good! The Salmon was fresh and the cucumber inside was crunchy and that effin Mayo was perfect for the salmon! Sad to say... I ate everything by myself because krazy kat was not that crazy for raw fish... Pussy... ( I hope she doesn't read this.. oops haha).

Now to the part where Bubbletea is famous for. You can't eat at bubbletea without trying their famous teas. Kat and I aren't into milkteas so we opted for their selection of green teas. Too bad I didn't get to save the pic of the drink. We had Lychee green tea. It's refreshing and sweet and for a person who hates tea (with a vengeance!). I absolutely loved it!!!

So all of you guys out there... Try Bubbletealicious. Its pretty good for it's price range.  :p

-Bootylicious Bianca

Thursday 20 June 2013

Photo Sharing: It's a twin thing

Hey readers (hopefully you exist and not just in my imagination)!. I hope you enjoy reading my blog so far. But I  apologize for what I am about to post right now. I know that people posting a lot of selfies in instagram is so annoying but I just can't help myself from sharing my pictures with you...and it gets worse. Because not only am I sharing my "selfies" with you but also my selfies with my twin (or should I call it doublies? huh? Is there such a term?). It's a buy one take one kind of arrangement. I hope you still read my blog after looking at these pictures (currently sacrificing the probability of having more readers... :/ )                               
Mini me :)

My sis and I working out (yes I do sweat a lot) (baskili!)

 The ultimate selfie (I am so sorry but I just had to. Can't. Control.My.Vanity)
 Again I apologize...

p.s. Please watch out for my next blog (Why being NBSB {No Boyfriend Since Birth} at 23 is a good thing) and also for my twin sis' first blog entry ! :)

On trend: Juicing (juice ko po!)

"Do I look fat in my outfit?" Ahhh.. the dreaded question that  a girl asks her guy or if she's single (like mwah) her sister or friend. And people please take note the rule is regardless of what she looks like, the answer  should always be NO. So anyway, a few days ago I was able to have an epiphany (sabeeh!) when I asked this question and my sister said "Kinda". My first reaction was "oh no she didn't" ( cue head movements with hand gestures) but then after a few minutes/hours/days (not really,just being dramatic here)of heavy reflection... I realized that she did not break any rule when she said no, she was just being honest. So i guess the challenge for me was when I ask the dreaded question again, was how to avoid getting the answer yes, yah , kinda, sort off etc...
My answer: juicing

My goal : to jumpstart my weightloss (3 days of juicing)

So I said to myself why not substitute 2 of my meals with juice. So the day before the cleanse I prepared my ingredients.
 For juice number 1(I forgot to take a picture): 1/2 kilo of malunggay, 1 whole cucumber, 1/2 kilo talbos ng kamote, 1 whole lemon, and 1 tbsp of ginger (eew you can just imagine the taste)
For Juice number 2: 2 oranges, 1 apple, 1 cucumber, 1 carrot
Juice 2
 Buko/Coconut juice (fresh dapat!)

Coconut Juice

 Now to the good part...... JUICE DAY!

7am: I woke up feeling happy and optimistic that I would be able to finish this "cleanse" with flying colors
8am: My first and last meal of the day...I ate 2 whole eggs with 1 egg white only,  1 slice of papaya, and a handful of almonds
10am: Hungry again (drank buko juice)
12noon: So hungry and started getting cranky so I decided to drink my juice. I sorta drank juice number 1 but was so disgusted with the taste that I drank juice 2 instead. The juice was refreshing and sweet however it doesn't keep you feeling full though.
1-5pm: Everything was a blur because I was cranky due to my hunger pangs and seeing everyone at home eating food. So I decided to take a nap.
7pm: I woke up feeling groggy, tired, and HUNGRY. I cannot emphasize that point enough. So I decided to face my fear and drink Juice 1.
7:30 : Still haven't faced my fear. The juice smelled so bad (being overly dramatic again but try drinking it and see if you don't become a drama queen) that my gag reflex was heightened everytime I opened the bottle.
8pm : Finally faced my fear. Victory is sweet! Or in this case sour, tangy, and just plain eeech!
10pm: Went to bed hungry and vowing that I would never ever try this again.

Was I able to finish the three day juice challenge I gave myself? No
Was I able to reach my goal ? No.
Was I able to learn something? Absolutely. First, juicing is not for everyone. Some people marvel in the results they had with juicing but for some (like me) it's difficult to maintain because aside from feeling hungry(most of the time), you also felt weak. Second, research research research. Before trying something new with your diet, read or ask your doctor about it. As I said earlier this diet may not be good or beneficial for everyone. Lastly, there are no quick fixes to everything and If I want to lose weight, diet and exercise is the answer.. Actually not really a diet but more of a lifestyle change (more about this on my future blogs).

So as of the moment, I am not asking the dreaded question of " Do I look fat in this outfit?"...because I do know the answer (sadly it's a yes :(  ). But I am determined to exercise and do a complete lifestyle change to achieve my goal.

 If you ask me If I would try juicing again in the future? My answer would be... maybe (under dire circumstances).

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Krazy Shoutout!

Everyone is sleeping. Need to get up early for work and class tom. So I'm gonna make this short. Big big shoutout to my super twin Bianca for being my first blog subscriber. Yey! (Mababaw na kaligayahan). Anywayzz. Back to sleep na.. zzzzz

What the hell where we doing in this pic??


Krazy obssessed with flats.

After my 23 years of existence I had just recently discovered the magic of wearing flat shoes. I'm the type who wears high heeled shoes because my legs are stumpy (damn you genes!) since i read somewhere that heels make your legs look thinner, I started wearing heels very often. I wear 3 inches and above to school, mall (shopping. ouch!), in airports, and jogging in the park (huh?). Anyway, you get the point? But there came a time in my life where balancing your whole body in 4inches of torture isn't my thing anymore. Also, I stopped caring how my legs looked in skirts because my comfort is a top priority than my vanity. However switching to anything without heels created a problem.. "How can I still look presentable without sacrificing the comfort of my feet?" the answer: FLATS! You can wear them anywhere and still look chic and classy at the same time. So feet start thanking me. bwahahaha.

raaiiiinboow. well not really but I wish I had Tory Burch flats in every color.

leopard. leopard. leopard. obsessed. (next blog) need i say more?

If money grew on trees....currently drooling right now.

So it's up to you girls or guys (if you know what I mean "wink") , if you want to let your feet rest for a while and still look fashionable at the same time....wear flats!

there's always a first for everything!

uhm I've never written nor imagined myself writing a blog before but here goes.

To my "currently" (hopefully to increase) zero followers. Hi. Hello. Hey. I'm Katrina Aguila. 23 years old with vital statistics of 34-24-36 (weh. i wish!). Oh. I have a twin sister. Anyway I wanted to start this blog so that I could share what I do in my daily life (narcissistic ba teh?), what I'm currently obssessed with (fashion, health and lifestyle, and news & current events <huwaat??>) and of course to release my inner craziness (kaya nga krazy kat eh haha). So hopefully you would like my future posts. Feel free to comment :)