Thursday 20 June 2013

Photo Sharing: It's a twin thing

Hey readers (hopefully you exist and not just in my imagination)!. I hope you enjoy reading my blog so far. But I  apologize for what I am about to post right now. I know that people posting a lot of selfies in instagram is so annoying but I just can't help myself from sharing my pictures with you...and it gets worse. Because not only am I sharing my "selfies" with you but also my selfies with my twin (or should I call it doublies? huh? Is there such a term?). It's a buy one take one kind of arrangement. I hope you still read my blog after looking at these pictures (currently sacrificing the probability of having more readers... :/ )                               
Mini me :)

My sis and I working out (yes I do sweat a lot) (baskili!)

 The ultimate selfie (I am so sorry but I just had to. Can't. Control.My.Vanity)
 Again I apologize...

p.s. Please watch out for my next blog (Why being NBSB {No Boyfriend Since Birth} at 23 is a good thing) and also for my twin sis' first blog entry ! :)

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